Agent Testimonials

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  • btrf
    • Jan 2010
    • 21

    Great Forum

    This is a great place to share ideas. I have been an agent for 38 years, am still active, and enjoy what I do. I am on the site at least 2 or 3 times week reviewing the new Posts. Keep up the good work..


    • Don Woodson
      • Jan 2010
      • 8

      Great Site

      Learning from other agents has always made me money and improved my business. This site let's us learn from agents from all over the country and from a wide range of experience.

      I hope you will contribute your experience to the group.


      • Terry Bradshaw
        • Dec 2009
        • 1

        Like an extra shoulder to lean on

        I think of the forum as sort of a shoulder to lean on. Often, when I am feeling like I need some advice, or ideas, I look to the "Forum". It has been especially helpful when its not convenient to pick up the phone and call an agent friend ,or when I just want different ideas and perspectives. My agency is benefiting from the imformation I have gathered!


        • putter
          • May 2010
          • 15

          Haven't been a member for long but I can say that this is the most informative association with other agents that I have been invovled in in many years. Very informative site!


          • ReubenG
            • May 2010
            • 77


            I am a 17 year agent. I have enjoyed reading the various posts and how other agents are handling the various issues we face in todays environment. Weather it be employees, technology, marketing, advertising, contracts, etc. I am glad to see we try to keep it positive, but with good constructive feedback. I would recommend the site to other agents in my AFO as a resource. Would like to see more information on the following: pricing touch points for the Hispanic market, score card, technology issues as it relates to continuous system changes that eat into the efficentcies of processing. Example, trying to update face book page on the SF network is so slow, that it's too combersome. So I have to do updates from home on personal computer....I talked with corporate on this issue this week, they were not aware of. I could list 20 or 30 items like this that eat into my productivity. We, SF, are making progress, but all these technology issues tend to be a drain versus an enhancement.


            • JoJo
              Premier Member
              • Dec 2009
              • 187


              The people and information on here are the real deal. Agents helping other agents! Doesn't get any better than that...unless we see each other in person. Since we don't have joint meetings too much anymore, this is a good technological solution. Wish other agents would try it out. I'm a believer.


              • Megan Dugan
                • Jan 2010
                • 19


                In my opinion, one of the best parts about being an agent is the independence that we enjoy. But that can also be a challenge. This is a great place to come for ideas and honest advice. There's no pretense...just agents being willing to reach out to others to offer support or ideas. I truly have gotten more than I've given here.


                • ikeeisen
                  Premier Member
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 132

                  I've been a member for some time, but never really checked it much until I put it in my startup menu.

                  Now I read it all the time and contribute occasionally.

                  I've really appreciated the advice others are willing to give. It's a very good forum that improves as more agents join the conversation.


                    • Mar 2010
                    • 2

                    Agree, it's good value.

                    With so many options available today, this is a good value to share information specifically about our investment and our business. When you ask that question of yourself "I wonder what would happen if I did...." it's usually already answered here! Give it a shot.


                    • southerncal
                      Premier Member
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 1119

                      Thank you for putting the time and effort into getting this forum up and running. I find myself looking at this site everyday .

                      This is a fantastic resource!


                      • Admin
                        Geoff Darst
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 1599

                        Post of an email I was CC'd on

                        Hey guys,

                        I've been a part of an agent's "forum", a notion that was conceived by
                        an agent in Greenville, SC. Since going onto this site, I've really
                        gained some valuable insight into what we do based on other perspectives
                        throughout the company/the country. I've picked up some good
                        marketing/operating ideas and have been able to share one or two of my
                        own. The forum is very positive (kudos to Geoff for keeping things as
                        such) and isn't a platform for complaining. Rather, it's a place where
                        successful, like-minded people who share the same challenges can go.

                        I would encourage each of you to join this group. The cost is $11 per
                        year. (if you had to hesitate and wonder whether it is worth it to you
                        - it probably isn't) I'm serious about that. You guys are very engaged
                        and serious about your agencies or I wouldn't have sent this to you. If
                        you're looking for another way to keep your ax sharp, this will help.
                        The articles and feedback on ***** **** speakers throughout the country
                        is worth the price of admission.

                        If you find the service beneficial, I would ask that you pass this along
                        to 5 or 6 other people. It really is a great forum. My thanks to Agent
                        Geoff Darst over in Greenville for putting it together.

                        The link is below. Feel free to shoot me any questions you may have.
                        You'll enjoy this - I promise.

                        Jeff S.

