Agent Testimonials

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  • Admin
    Geoff Darst
    • Nov 2009
    • 1599

    Agent Testimonials

    Please post your comments here about the forum for the benefit of other prospective members. These comments can be viewed by agents considering joining, who don't have full access to the forum. Thank you for helping this forum continue to grow!
    Last edited by Admin; 09-17-2010, 08:54 AM.
  • BergMeister
    Master of the Berg.....
    • Dec 2009
    • 1456

    Do you ever feel like you are reinventing the wheel over and over and wondered what others had done?

    This is the place!

    Have you ever needed some advice on "ABC company" or were trying to figure out a way to do something more efficiently?

    This is the place!

    Have you ever wanted to share marketing ideas and get the opinions of other agents?

    This is the place!

    From software to hardware to hiring to firing to sales and marketing....

    This is the place!


    • Pete13
      Premier Member
      • Dec 2009
      • 315

      The best place to get simple ideas about how Agents are making the best of their situation. No corporate speak. No BS. Just good ideas and sharing.

      Well worth all $11


      • Twentyplusyears
        Premier Member
        • Dec 2009
        • 2713

        A good place to hear new ideas.


        • Donna
          • Dec 2009
          • 91

          SF Agent's Forum

          I have found this site very helpful. Especially in the tech. area.
          Have you ever wondered how other agents solved problems we must all have? This is a great place to find out.
          Want new ideas - this is the place


          • raw notes
            • Dec 2009
            • 50


            I am a 28 year agent. I am an active agent, still very involved every day in my agency. I have seen tremendous changes throughout my career. The sheer number & speed of technology changes is overwhelming. I often thought that I would be an agent til the day I died, but now I am not sure that my brain cells can handle all of the new information that we are hit with on a daily basis.
            This forum has provided a lifeline to me. It not only helps with great technology advice & ideas, but also reminds me why I became an agent in the first place. I appreciate that the goal of this forum is to share things that impact each of us ,but not whine & groan about things we cannot change.

            Our company is a great company (even if we become frustrated with it at times)!!!

            This forum is a positive place to get advice from other agents, share ideas and retreat into a community of people who understand what we go through. Thanks for our great administrator and for all of you who contribute to it!


            • #1ntown
              • Jan 2010
              • 35

              Worth The Money!

              I have saved by getting the scoop on Lead Generators, before it cost me! Information from other agents on their experience is priceless when trying to grow an agency, even after 18 years.
              Last edited by Admin; 10-06-2010, 11:40 AM.


              • Jody Johnston

                Originally posted by raw notes View Post
                I am a 28 year agent. I am an active agent, still very involved every day in my agency. I have seen tremendous changes throughout my career. The sheer number & speed of technology changes is overwhelming. I often thought that I would be an agent til the day I died, but now I am not sure that my brain cells can handle all of the new information that we are hit with on a daily basis.
                This forum has provided a lifeline to me. It not only helps with great technology advice & ideas, but also reminds me why I became an agent in the first place. I appreciate that the goal of this forum is to share things that impact each of us ,but not whine & groan about things we cannot change.

                Our company is a great company (even if we become frustrated with it at times)!!!

                This forum is a positive place to get advice from other agents, share ideas and retreat into a community of people who understand what we go through. Thanks for our great administrator and for all of you who contribute to it!
                Absolutely. I agree completely.


                • cwatk
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 7


                  I have gotten much more from this forum then I have put in, I must admit. Most would agree that working smarter is way better than working harder and this forum is helping us do just that!

                  My thanks to Geoff for getting this off the ground!


                  • 40+
                    Premier Member
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 206

                    agent testimonials

                    This is a great site for agents to express themselves concerning many of the things that work, & problems that occur in our offices. I'm afraid that management has gotten so far removed from face to face client contact, they can no longer identify with some of the issues we face on a day to day basis. Be it company related, money related, equipment related, staff related, production related etc., etc., etc!, with this website any question or concern you have, more than likely, the rest of us are having similar problems.
                    I have my system programmed to bring this site up 1st thing in the mornings then I check "NEW POSTS" 2-3 times a day. It's a great place to exchange ideas and ask questions of fellow agents.


                    • John Davis
                      Premier Member
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 544


                      Why is the forum great? Because when you have a specific issue, you can go there and get your answer! Very efficient. For example, you are thinking of trying out a new service and you can see how your fellow agents like it before making that commitment. When certain salespeople call, I just say, the other agents have nothing good to say about you. Goodbye.


                      • Boss
                        Premier Member
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 138

                        Communication is what it is all about

                        Good communications at ALL levels, particularly in our line of business I think is essential.

                        The forum adds a unique, efficient and valuable element to our ability to communicate with our piers on all kinds of subjects.

                        The only dumb questions or topics on the forum are those that are never asked or raised.

                        No reason to get frustrated either on the forum. If you are not interested or disagree, jumping to another topic is easy.

                        There is no requirement to participate but participation is what makes the forum worth your time.


                        • EJNusbaum
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 83

                          You Need to Join This

                          My only regret about joining is that I wish I had joined earlier and had a little more time to use it. I know I would have saved 1k to 2k last year if I had checked out some vendors on this site before I signed up with vendor!


                          • Lady Texas Agent
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 43

                            This is one of the best tools we have available to us. Who better to get an answer from or an opinion from than our fellow agents. I'm now in the habit of reviewing this site on a daily basis to see what good ideas are coming from agents all across the country. It can get better if more agents join. Spread the word! Thanks to Geoff for getting this started. Well worth the $11/year - if you only use 1 of the hundreds of ideas/helps here, you got your money's worth!


                            • 1summers
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 92

                              Spot - On

                              I can't say enough about the web page. After 14 years as an agent and 21 years with the company, I'm always looking for ways to "stay sharp" and keep motivated. This is a very informative, "real" forum and it's done in a very positive way. Negative agents are very easy to find. Being able to connect with an engaged group of business professionals who share real challenges and succeses isn't something I take for granted. This forum is just that.

                              As a former operations employee (bottom up), the toughest transition I made was realizing that I was "on an island" out here - alone some days. While I've made a point to stay in touch w/ local agents in an effort to share ideas, this is one of the best things I've been involved in. It's nice to know that other people are sharing the same challenges and enjoying the same rewards as me. Let's face it, this is a wonderful career and it's tough to share success with people outside the company who don't understand - and agents inside the company who don't understand. This is an outstanding group of positive, professional, like-minded folks. Kudos to Geoff for making it available!

